Our Approach
Meeting supply chain challenges
Today’s urban wood supply chain is fragmented and inefficient. The source volume is there and demand is high, but significant gaps exist in recovering wood, transforming it into usable products, and delivering those products to eager customers.
“Right now the supply chain is so clunky. We (wood product manufacturers) feel like we have to throw the football to ourselves, catch it and run it into the end zone in order to use urban and community wood in our products playbook.”
Gene Wilson | Room & Board
We’re looking toward tomorrow
Urban Wood Economy’s entrepreneurial model for creating strong, circular supply chains and building a regenerative cycle for urban and community wood is:

Bringing together partners on national, regional, and local on-the-ground levels to spark connections and establish networks to secure the capital needed to establish reliable supply chains.

Solving volume issues by changing the way businesses view urban and community wood. We’re creating alliances with deconstruction and tree removal companies to bring high-quality wood to our biomass campuses.

Creating jobs at each point in the supply chain, from the first 2×4 produced to the end product—whether new flooring or a high-end piece of furniture.

Delivering the right wood in the right quantities at the right price to ensure a consistent, dependable process for meeting buyers’ needs.

Solving the waste disposal problem for arborists. Our multi-product biomass campuses use every part of the tree. This includes the “high-volume, low-value” leaves, twigs and branches that are converted into compost and biochar. Looking beyond lumber helps stabilize and insulate businesses against market fluctuations.